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WMG / Earth One

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Aquaman: Earth One will change Aquaman's surface world home with Adaptational Nationality
His fisherman dad won't be American in Earth One. Possibilities include:
  • the United Kingdom (English, Welsh, or Scottish)
    • If English, then his given name Arthur will be more meaningful.
  • South Korea. A Race Lift would be extremely likely in this case.
  • The Philippines. Race Lift would happen here too.
  • Iceland
  • Denmark
  • Mexico

On Earth One, Barry Allen's mother isn't dead
She's in jail, found guilty for the murder of Barry's father. Barry refuses to believe it.
  • There'll be a part where Barry races against time with proof of his mother's innocence before she gets sentenced to death.

On Earth One, the Martians do not exist...
...yet. Instead of being ancient and nearly extinct by the time of modern humans, the Martians simply haven't evolved yet. The Martians come into existence millions and millions, if not billions of years in the future, long after humans (and pretty much any other contemporary species in the universe are long gone. In this continuity, "Manhunters" are time traveling policemen Martians who have to stop Martian criminals from escaping to the past on Earth. J'onn J'onzz is one of them, but ends up trapped in the past, forced to hide among humans.

Identity of the Earth One Reverse Flash if he is there:
  • Barry Allen if Wally is the Flash in the story
  • Future Barry Allen
  • Wally West
  • Iris West
  • Henry Allen

The Green Lantern series is set in the future.
Of all the settings, it's Green Lantern that contradicts the world of the others the most (such as implying that the United States, or even the whole world, is ruled by a one-party government and all).

The Green Lantern series will introduce DC's other space heroes.
It would be an easy way to introduce them, at least for a cameo. Humanity seems to already the space travel tech for space adventures (or at least close enough) and a space exploration colonization theme/element

How they would fit:

  • Adam Strange would move to the post apocalyptic Rann to help them recover their history.
  • Space Cabbie would be the guy to ferry everybody around.
  • Star Hawkins would still be a detective but he's responsible for internal affairs for the new space colonization/exploration project.
  • Tommy Tomorrow would lead a team of space heroes that a) explores the galaxy b) have space adventures c) keep the peace between humanity's space colonies. The team would consist of DC's space-based heroes since a lot of them are obscure enough to baffle hardcore fans. They would also be this Hal Jordan's supporting cast.

Hawkman: Earth One will be about...
Katar and Shayera being sent to Earth to spy and decide if it poses a threat to the Thanagarian Empire. But they come to like the planet and what it could bring for Thanagar. Because of this, they are branded as traitors and target for death. Not only do they evade being capture but must stop their own people from invading Earth.

Black Canary will be a Hooker with a Heart of Gold.
Her series will be Darker and Edgier like with Batman. Being a (former) prostitute would justify her stripperific costume. Her reason for being one is to help her mother. Black Canary's name will be Laurel, while her mother is Dinah, like in the Arrowverse.
