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WMG / Doctor Who S32 E10 "The Girl Who Waited"

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The "Number One" tourist destination planet ahead of Appalapucia
  • Is Earth. Within the context of the show, about every alien race we've ever heard of has been here. the Doctor just fibbed to Amy and Rory about the "Planet Of The Coffee Shops" because he didn't want them to know how big a target was painted on our little corner of the galaxy. It was also a Starbucks gag.
    • Jossed by the Expanded Universe, in which we see the Doctor visit the Planet of the Coffee Shops (the short story "Lights Out"). Also, very few of the aliens we've seen come to Earth have been tourists.

Or Fridge Horror regarding the No OSHA Compliance...
  • So that hospital could do with labeling or properly sentient on-site staff. Let's start with the labels - there are some, our intrepid heroes just don't get what they mean, because symbols are arbitrary. "Red means warning" is by no means universal (indeed, Nine has mocked this very idea years back). If you don't know anything about what it says, you can't read it. Now, for the on-site staff - who says there weren't attendants? Remote-controlled robots, maybe, so attendants would be safe from the plague? But there were at least two things that could go wrong in this scenario. One - plagues spread. It's not impossible that Apalapucia is a planet of ghosts now, population decimated, the several percent who had natural immunity trying to put their civilisation back together from scraps. But there's another, more probable (well, in Doctor Who, at least) possibility. This specific illness doesn't, actually, seem like one that would spread, since it kills you so fast you won't have the time to infect a lot of people. But the temporal engines themselves might pose a problem. Technology breaks down. Maybe Apalapucia is a planet of ghosts now, because everyone has their own timestream? Or paradoxes paradoxed them out into oblivion? Or the Reapers ate them? Or... don't mess with time!

Older Amy may not be as dead as we think
  • Given the Biregeneration retcon that means there are multiple versions of The Doctor roaming the Universe, wouldn’t a version of the Twelfth Doctor (the first to have the memory of the events on Apalapucia) have at least considered intervening to stop the robots from finishing Older Amy off? It wouldn’t have been easy to get there, but this is The Doctor, he could find a way and in the process right an old wrong.
