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WMG / Delicious in Dungeon

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Laios's book is rubbish
  • Its author never was in the dungeon themselves and was writing something between a bait for the gullible and fetish literature for the ones who're dreaming of dungeons but won't visit them. That's why most of its advice is inaccurate - at best it's third hand information, and mostly it's completely made up.
    • Confirmed inaccurate, but in a more harmless way - in the world guide, it's a book for children which was given to Laios when he was a child. Probably not intended to be taken seriously but to be a fun way to think about common monsters, but Laios hyperfixated on it.

Winged Lion's fate
When the Lion finally shows it's true colors, it'll turn out it's nearly immortal, treating dismemberment and being ground to pulp as temporary inconveniences... So the cast will cook and eat it too!
  • He was eaten countless times in the past, and even pooped out afterwards.

The Winged Lion will be tamed by feeding it fulfilled desires
The manga is all about ecosystems and healthy meals, so the most appropriate way to end it would of course be to find how to properly feed a demon. In this case by forming a mutualistic relationship, as once a desire has been properly fulfilled there are no negative side effects to having it be eaten. It doesn't much matter if you lose your desire to, say, save your sister once your sister is already saved. It may even be healthier and tastier for the demon, similar to waiting for a fruit to ripen.
  • Fulfilled desire ceases to be a desire.

Laios figured out Lion's only weakness:He took Lion's desire and ate it himself. Since the Lion was defined by his desire, he lost all the will to exist and dispersed.

Giants exist in the D.I.D. world.
  • Senshi's cooking pot is the evidence for this. He stated to Namari that it used to be a shield that he inherited, but the two handles seem too small and too far apart for either his or Laios' arms. This implies that the pot used to keep a leather handle in place for a center-grip shield taken from an opponent that was bigger that a Dwarf or even a Tall-man.

The truth behind Laios' curse
  • The Winged Lion DID intend on making Falin's resurrection fail, he even appeared in the afterlife. But why didn't he do it? Simple: He honestly cares for living beings (as evidenced when he feels Falin returning to life would be cruel), and for their desires (as when he simply points her the way because she wants to go back to life). He had everything needed to take revenge on Laios but ultimately chose not to.
  • But then there's the part about monsters keeping the distance from Laios, right? That is believed to be his curse, but it might be simply a consequence of him having been an Ultimate Chimera before, he perhaps carries a faint scent of a terrifying monster on him all the times and the other monsters sees him as the apex predator.
  • Lastly, tied to the above, it was made clear that he still managed to eat monsters even with his "curse" keeping them at bay, and that if anything it only preventing him from actively hunting them himself. If the lion really cursed him to never eat monsters again, then Laios would have an allergic reaction to ever having monster meat.

There will be a Children's Lunch special, in reference to Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure's movie.
The series will have a cross-over with Made in Abyss.
