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WMG / Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

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Prince Tuesday will leave for college in Season 5
Characters leaving for college is a recurring theme throughout Angela Santomero's work. In Blue's Clues, Steve left for college on a hopscotch scholarship, and was replaced by Joe. In Super Why!, Whyatt's big brother Jack left for college. I bet that eventually, Prince Tuesday will have to go to a college somewhere in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Take note that the Season 5 press release clearly states that one of the themes of the season is missing people when they’re far away. Perhaps Prince Wednesday will learn how to cope with his brother Tuesday being far away at college.

Donkey Hodie will have a Crossover with this show.
Given that both are based on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, this might be likely to happen. However, since the cast of Donkey Hodie is American and the cast of Daniel Tiger is Canadian, the characters might have different voices.
