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WMG / Commandos

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Both Commandos teams (the OSS one and the British Commandos one) fought in the same area during the battle of Stalingrad
Strike Force and Destination Berlin involves missions set in Stalingrad. The two teams never meet (or at least it is not shown onscreen), but during a couple of the Stalingrad's cutscene of Strike Force, a dog which looks a lot like Whiskey from Men of Courage can be seen. It can imply that the original commandos where in the same area.

Commandos is set in the Metal Gear universe.

The guards have the exact same line of sight and are Too Dumb to Live. They are the precursors to the Genome Army. Except that when the Patriots found the Nazis' notes, they never realised that the gene therapy made the guards stupid until it was far too late.

The Green Beret deserted from the Irish Army before joining the British Army.

He found that serving in a neutral country's army didn't suit him, so he left and joined up where he knew he'd get to fight.

Natasha's change of name is not a Retcon.
Natasha Van Der Zand is her alias while undercover in the Netherlands.
