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WMG / Cats Don't Dance

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When Darla signals for visual representation that she's having an idea after her song-and-dance number "Big And Loud", Max promptly holds an ordinary lightbulb over her head. The bulb (connected to nothing but his gloved fingers) lights.

Later in the film, Max incapacitates Pudge the penguin by seizing him and rubbing him fiercely on his head, then sticking him to a metal beam with the static electricity. Normally, in cartoons, this works whenever both objects are suitably fuzzy; say, an afro, or a cat on a shag rug. But Max is bald. Both events are explained if it is assumed that Max can generate and control electricity. In a very cartoony, physics-bending way, of course.

Darla Dimple isn't actually a child.
She only looks like one.

Note her resemblance to Baby Doll, who is an adult actress with a rare condition that makes her look like a child even when she's an adult. She seems too smart, too vindictive to be a kid. (Or maybe this troper just can't handle hating a little girl. It makes her feel horrible.)

Max is Darla's father
She demands he call her Miss and be her bodyguard because...she's Darla.
  • This makes more sense if he's meant to be a Shout-Out to Max von Mayerling from Sunset Boulevard: secretly a family member who's been demoted to faithful servant.

Darla had Max kill her parents.
She used the insurance money to rise to stardom.
  • Alternatively, she was already a star and had them killed so they wouldn't take her money.
  • Either way, she used their deaths to gather sympathy from fans.

Max is a shaved gorilla
He could only get work if he looked more human, given even with cartoon exaggeration his body proportions and facial structure is much more ape-like than human.

Max and King Kong are related but don't get along
It's already established that King Kong exists in the story and is an actor. Based on the above theory about Max being a shaved gorila, it's possible that Kong and Max are related and Kong resents Max for abandoning their fellow animals for a better or at least steadier job than theirs.

Darla's parents were hunters.
Based on one of the above theories, they took a baby gorilla from Africa after killing the gorilla's parents, named him Max and conditioned him to serve Darla and pretend he's a human. It's possible Darla herself doesn't know Max isn't a real human.

Darla's parents don't love her
They only care about the money she used to bring and were happy to leave Max in charge of her upbringing. Once she destroyed her reputation, they fled the country and took as much Money as they could while Darla had to sell her mansion and get a job to pay her debts.

Darla is a witch and Max is her demonic summoned servant
She's also a lot older than she looks. She uses her magic to maintain her youth (which is critical to her darling little angel facade) and maintain a very subtle level of hypnosis over her audience, so they don't question why she likes the thought of everyone drowning enough to break character. However, she's not a very good witch, so her hypnosis failed when the people caught in it were given irrefutable evidence contradicting the illusion.

Max is really a Mr. X from Resident Evil 2.
He looks like one (albeit even larger). Is every bit as powerful and relentless as one. His presence is preceded by giant footsteps. He makes his first appearance smashing through a wall. He is 100% dedicated to his job. He's even capable of Offscreen Teleportation. Heck, their names are off by one letter (that look similar to each other when they're capitalized)! Darkside Chronicles has shown that they can be programmed to be servants/bodyguards. And Darla is certainly wealthy and unscrupulous enough to purchase a bioweapon from Umbrella to be her servant and eliminate her enemies.


In this world, there are intelligent, sapient animals, and there are normal animals.
The animal actors are only given parts for seemingly nonintelligent animals, less humanized than they are. That's because there are the intelligent animals we see, and the animals like in our world. The normal animals are played by the intelligent animals because it's easier than trying to train them, but unfortunately they don't write parts for talking animals.
