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WMG / Brandy & Mr. Whiskers

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The whole thing is just a terrible nightmare Brandy is having and she is the only character who actually exists.

Ed Otter is really an Ugly Cute alien from a Sugar Bowl and Dougie the turtle and Prodileus the magical flying polar bear are his old friends from there

Mr.Whiskers is a runaway convict.
  • How else do you explain the orange jumpsuit?

Ed Otter has undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome.

  • Can that even happen to animals?
    • Diagnosis or Asperger's?
      • ...both?

Mr. Whiskers doesn't want to leave the Amazon and is secretly sabotaging Brandy's escape attempts

Mr Whiskers first name is 'Mr'.

Brandy has bipolar disorder.

Think about it: Sometimes she's your average teenage Valley Girl yuppie puppy, next she is yelling over trivial things. Sometimes the slightest things can set her off. Plus, she had a [Resting Bitch Face] (well, a cartoon canine one) before it was a thing.
