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WMG / Black Haze

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Black Haze

Rood Is a Descendant of the First King
Rood and the first king who opened the door to the demon world both have blond hair (which is confirmed in the redone prologue) and thus are descendant and ancestor.

Rood Is a Prince
In the chapter 118, we finally meet the empire's prince, Yuti's older brother Yumehen. Dio mentions early on (chapter 21) that the empire's princess is a "direct descendant," thus necessitating that the prince be one as well. Direct descendant of what, Dio doesn't say, but if we assume that the empire has had the same royal lineage since days of yore (AKA the first magicians), then that would mean the current prince and princess are both direct descendants of the king who opened the door to the demon world. The probability of this is high, especially given that the prince even shares a striking resemblance to the first king with his wavy blond hair in the redone prologue.

Now, moving into much more speculative territory, what if the theory that Rood is a direct descendant of the first king (again, due to their similarities in appearance) is true? That would make him not just the brother of Yutiarian and Yumehen but also a prince himself, likely the youngest one. What if, for whatever reason, the royal family used their own son in a horrific experiment (the youngest, who could be spared) to see what would happen if the human king were merged with the demon king? Being royals, they would have close contact with the Tower, so it's entirely possible for some sort of alliance to have been formed. Yuti, being close in age to Rood, likely wouldn't remember even having a younger brother. We currently don't know enough about Yumehen to say what his role would have been, nor do we know enough about the royal family and their politics to speculate as to what they might have gained from such an arrangement. But there's enough there to make one wonder...
