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WMG / Between the Lions

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It's not always the same cliff.
  • Sometimes Cliff Hanger looks over land, other times over water. There's also the obvious fact that he sees a sight every episode ever that he didn't see in any of the many earlier episodes. This theory is supported by several individual episodes, notably "The Enchanted Goat."

Mr and/or Mrs Hanger were clairvoyants with a twisted sense of humour
  • Because if we take the theme song literally (as I feel we must), someone named him Cliff Hanger knowing that he would one day end up in a prolonged Literal Cliffhanger situation.

Cleo was cheating on Theo with Grover for a time in the early 2000's
Need I say more?

Theo and Cleo are a married Time Lord couple
The library is their TARDIS.

What happened to some of the characters after Season 3
  • Since Season 4 more or less acts as a rerun for certain episodes and most of the characters were strangely absent in the later seasons. What Happened? My best guess, since the show moved production to Mississippi, my guess is that the Lion Family moved to a new library in Mississippi after Season 3. Walter and Clay were going to be going with them but after realizing that Busterfield wasn't going to be going to Mississippi, the Pigeons decide to stay behind with Busterfield, Heath was also unable to go along with the Lion Family because there wasn't going to be a basement in the new library and decides to stay at the old library, as for Click, she did stay behind because the new library in Mississippi didn't have any computing system at the time but she was able to move to Mississippi with the Lion's once the new computing system got installed in the new library.

The cop who chases Silent E is so persistent because Silent E's power keeps backfiring
  • Whenever Silent E escapes, he unintentionally helps the cop to cope.
