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Later on Quentin will call both teams out on their actions in this episode.
Quentin will end up giving both sides an angry "The Reason You Suck" Speech for their Idiot Ball and Jerkass Ball actions throughout the episode. Such as...

Oliver, for making that surprise strike at the New Recruits bunker and jumping to conclusions. Oliver tries to point out there was some potential evidence and had to act quickly in which Quentin fires back at him on how often that causes more trouble and adds in how he is glad that Oliver never became a cop. And of course add in that this was far from the first time Oliver's underhanded ploys were what driven the New Recruits away and how this was far from the first time he has driven Team Members away.

John on how he should've known better than to follow in that strike in which John would be quick to point that out that he did tell Oliver on how that strike was such a horrible idea. But then Quentin or someone else points out how he should've thought that before the strike not after.

And if Rene is present and recovered enough call him for being an impulsive idiot and trying to attack Oliver like he did even though Oliver told him to stand down. Rene would try to bring up his injury after fighting Oliver he would point out how Rene knew fully well he had a Bullet wound there so of course it would get reopened. (And maybe it might get pointed how thanks to Curtis hacking John's arm, John might've had a similar fate.)

And of course Quentin tears Dinah a new one verbally on how this was because she went on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge on Laurel for Vigilante. Dinah angrily chews him and Team Arrow out for trying to protect a unrepentant killer like Black Siren and how they were delusional idiots for thinking otherwise. Then Quentin calls her a hypocrite on how Quentin & Team Arrow are such horrible people for wanting to protect a remorseless killer like Black Siren while she is trying to avenge her boyfriend Vigilante who is also a remorseless killer. Then Dinah gets incredibly defensive as Vigilante was not like Black Siren since Vigilante was going after bad guys. Of course Quentin then reminds everyone how Vigilante was willing to let innocent people die in his attacks more than once. Also Quentin was quick to point how everyone thought he was deluded in thinking that there might be some good in Black Siren even though Dinah was done the same regarding Vigilante. Then the New Recruits try to point out how Vigilante did try to help them before he got killed off in which Quentin points out that so did Black Siren. While yes the situations regarding Black Sire & Vigilante are not quite the same but not as different as Dinah would want to think. In which Quentin gets angry that Dinah knocked him out while pleading with her to stop and asked if she would kill him just to get to Laurel. In which Laurel angrily retorts that maybe she would've (in which Curtis & Rene would be very quick to be bothered by that).

And of course then once Quentin is reminded about the real reason why they all went after Laurel was because according to a surveillance tape Laurel took all the money from Cayden James' account. Then with a slight laugh he tells them that after when they find out that Laurel was in a forest cabin with him this whole time that nobody realized how could Laurel have gone to a bank in some 3rd world country while she was here recovering from a Bullet wound the whole time? (Or if this doesn't happen let Black Siren call the heroes out on how could she have got the money from Cayden James' account if she was recovering at the Cabin the whole time?)

In which both teams do begrudgingly realize that a lot of things that Quentin said were true as much as they would loathe to admit it. But then also call Quentin out that if he just placed Black Siren in proper custody a lot of this wouldn't have happened. Quentin would try to bring up Dinah's strong desire for revenge but Oliver brings up that he would've been happy to make sure Dinah doesn't do anything to her while in Prison.

Barry and Team Flash will be the one to reconcile Team Arrow and the New Recruits
Barry is naturally a Magnetic Hero this is the kind of thing he does. Plus he was nowhere near Star City when all this went down making him an ideal moderator.
