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WMG / Airplane!

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Sharknado and Airplane! are in the same universe
Ted Striker went back to flying and Sharknado 2: The Second One was his last flight.

The horse Mrs. Ovuer slept with... Bad Horse! Or Bojack Horseman!

Dr. Rumack never treated George Zipp
After Ted gave up and quit flying, Elaine told Dr. Rumack about Ted's guilt about George Zipp, and Rumack made up the story to give Ted a confidence boost. After Ted goes back to fly the plane, you'll notice Rumack has a sly smirk as if he were thinking, "Yeah, I knew that story would work."

It was just a bad day for Johnny.
Johnny, the...let's say "eccentric" worker in the airport operations center is usually a sane, reasonable professional. How else could he keep his job—even in the bizarre reality of this film? We just happened to see him on the day he had some kind of atypical psychotic episode.
