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WMG / After the Jungle Series

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If Logan and Lisa ever decide to take up careers related to acting and/or music (willingly and not because their parents forced them into it), they'll not only prove to be far more skilled and talented than either Patrick or Olga, but they'll also achieve success far more easily—like, to a ridiculous extent.
  • I got the idea for this after seeing a review someone made for "A Perfect Disaster" on—since Logan and Lisa are basically just younger versions of their Aunt Helga (when it comes to their personalities) and since Helga has ultimately become the more successful sister, I feel it would be very fitting if the twins both ended up succeeding in areas where their parents (particularly their mother) had failed.
At least part of why Olga hates being the sole breadwinner for her family (when Patrick's out of job) is because she always secretly wanted a rich boyfriend or husband to take care of her.
  • I get that Olga really isn't a bad person and all that, but a part of me always felt that she was a bit of a Gold Digger who wanted to find a rich husband so she wouldn't have to work (or at least not work as much).
