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Video Game / Super Crush KO

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Crush those fabulous robots invading your fabulous city!

A 2D Beat 'em Up with a few differences from most games in the genre.

Rather than moving along a plane in which you move north, south, east and west, you instead move along a side-scrolling 2D plane and fight enemies on each screen. There's a heavy emphasis on jumping and mid-air fighting. All enemies telegraph their moves by flashing a specific color before they attack, so the combat is about reading the room and figuring out what to do next.

The story? Karen's pet cat Chubbz was stolen by an alien who initially gives her name as Nunya Business. Okay, her real name is Ann. And Ann brought a massive army of robots with her. Fight those robots and get your cat back!

This game contains examples of:

  • Air-Dashing: A big part of the combat is Karen's ability to dash in mid-air with various attacks.
  • Animesque: The game is developed in Canada, but Karen and Ann look like anime-style characters.
  • Combos: This is also how you raise your rank for each group of enemy encounters. Keep the combo going long enough and don't get hurt, and you'll get high grades.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The game's happy ending has Karen and Ann bonding over their shared love of Karen's cat, and them apparently adopting Chubbz together.
  • Gameplay Grading: You are graded for every group of enemy encounters as well as for the level itself. Can you get an S for every level?
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: The alien who steals Karen's cat and commands the robot army looks like basically a human with blue skin, slightly odd ears, and an immodest outfit.
  • Humongous Mecha: The bosses, who are all giant robots.
  • Motion Comic: How the game's sparse cutscenes work. Just a few comic panels and a little bit of motion, and that's all we need to know.
  • Palette Swap: It's the levels that are palette swapped! Each set of levels takes place in a different colored version of the same pastel-colored city.
  • Scoring Points: This is related to your rank at the end. Scores are saved per level.
  • Side View: The perspective of this game, as unlike other Beat Em Ups, you move left and right and jump.
  • There Was a Door: Ann bursts through Karen's wall to get straight to her cat!
  • Video Game Dashing: Karen can not only dash to dodge attacks, but also to pass through some barriers.
