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Video Game / Rolling Car

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Drive your car on the looping conveyor belt where tight platforming awaits you.
Rolling Car is an action platformer game developed by red Deer games and released on Nintendo Switch on April 16, 2022. In the game, the player takes the role of a car and must drive along levels that are made of a rolling conveyor belt. The level is constantly moving thus requiring the player to keep driving along to avoid falling off of the belt.

Tropes present in the game:

  • Auto-Scrolling Level: All of the game's levels are set on a conveyor belt that is always moving, even if the car comes to a stop. If the car falls off the belt, the game is over.
  • Cool Car: The three cars you can select to play as are large monster trucks that have the ability to jump as well as to burst forward in a turbo mode.
  • Critical Existence Failure: The game ends if the car should ever fall off either side of the belt.
  • Ramp Jump: One of the game's central mechanics is to build up speed and then use it to jump ramps that lie along the track.
  • Ratchet Scrolling: The conveyor belt levels only ever move forward. That car is unable to move the belt backwards to move back to a previous part of the level and will instead fall off the belt.
