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Video Game / Postal F: Apocalypse Friday

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"Hi there! Would you like to sign my petition? Would you please sign my petition? Sign my petition, damn it! Look, just sign the stupid petition! I've got stuff to do."
The Postal Dude saying a lot of his Postal 2 quotes midsong in "Diesotope".

Postal F: Apocalypse Friday is a Friday Night Funkin' Game Mod directed by Roanimations, based on the Postal series, mainly Postal 2.

Boyfriend got Caught in the Bad Part of Town, the Wretched Hive of "Paradise", where a crazy man with a shovel and a gun called the "Postal Dude" is...well, Going Postal. Like the fool he is, Boyfriend decides to rap battle him, but this time, he's not alone, as another redheaded gunslinger appears to help him. Chaos ensues.

Song list:

    Song List (Sung by:) 

Last Week: Goin' Postal.

  1. Playing with Scissors (Postal Dude vs. Boyfriend & Pico)
  2. No Regerts (Postal Dude vs. Boyfriend & Pico)


  1. Diesotope (Isotope) (Postal Dude vs. Boyfriend)

Look at these tropes or I'll follow you home and kill your dog!:
