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Video Game / Mega

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LOCATION: the northern part of the city of Grandton.
TASK: to discover, take control and activate the lost "weapon" or ARCH.TECH Corporation.
SUBJECT: the emergency response team lead by James Ward.

Mega is a Survival Horror Video Game by Red Kraken.

You play as James Ward, who has regained consciousness in an abandoned ruined city next to a downed helicopter. His whole team is dead, and he has just one objective: locate all the keys to activate the weapon provided by the ARCH.TECH Corporation, which has the capability to kill the monster that has attacked the city.

Speaking of, the monster has a pretty good vantage point from which to see James, and a pretty keen eye if it's able to spot him, since he'd be pretty small compared to the beast. Either way, James is going to need to keep out of sight if he wants to survive this whole ordeal.

The game was released on September 2nd, 2022.

Mega contains examples of:

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: That terrifying reptilian giant you've been desperately running and hiding from the whole game? After a while, you'll meet its bigger, nastier friend.
  • Camera Abuse: Blood spatters on the camera whenever James Ward takes damage.
  • First-Person Ghost: All you ever really see of your character is his hands.
  • Kaiju: Naturally, the Big Bad of the game is a towering monster James has to evade as it lumbers around the ruined, fog-covered city.
  • Notice This: Objects you can interact with have a sheen to them, letting them be seen against dark objects.
  • Ominous Fog: The city is coated in enough fog to keep the kaiju invisible off in the distance.
  • One-Word Title: Mega, of course.
  • P.O.V. Cam: The game is viewed through James Ward's eyes.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: The ending. James activates the weapon, a Humongous Mecha that delivers a solid punch to the larger kaiju's face... only for it to be tackled by the monster, him to be killed by debris from the attack, and the two kaiju allowed to go on their merry way.
  • Urban Ruins: The game is set in an empty ruined city with a Kaiju and its even larger, scarier companion stomping about.
