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Video Game / Legacy of Heroes

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A 2012 multi-player Web Game / CCG created by Fifth Planet Games. It is a flash game that can be played on several flash games platforms. Sadly the game was taken down by the end of 2013

Each player is a Super Hero and has to fight other heroes or villains. The main storyline is divided in several issues, like a Comic Book. The first volume contains the first six issues, and other volumes contain 3 issues. Each volume/arc introduce a playset of cards ("Genesis" for volume 1, "Tempus" for volume 2 and "Vengeance" for volume 3).

The player starts as a student of the Phaeton Project and can choose one of the 4 archetypes:

However, a few years later, the characters were revamped for a new comic book series and trading card game called Emergents.

This game provides examples of the following tropes:

  • All of Them: According to the Moxie: Empowered flavor text, When Moxie was asked how much she benches, she replied "everything".
    • It is unclear whether she was joking.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Unstoppable attacks ignore enemy shields when it comes to dealing damage.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: Crime Blotter and Devastatrix, during their date night.
  • Big Bad: Daddy-0, the Hat.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: in issue #5 and #6, Daddy-O controls your schoolmates and professors, so you have to fight them before facing Daddy-O.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: It is a Freemium.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Zeroth, after issue #9.
  • Catchphrase: Dimetrodon, one of the super powered wrestlers, has one.
  • The Chessmaster: The Hat is the evil one, Zeroth is the good one
  • Chest Insignia: Billy Stopless and Iso-Man have one.
  • Codename:Sidekick is the sidekick of Codename:Soldier.
  • Colon Cancer: Because of Time Travel and Time Skip, the player encounters several characters at different time. So there are several cards for the same character, for example Quickhit, Quickhit:Protector and Quickhit:Far from Home. And we have Codename:Soldier:Meanwhile.
  • Damsel in Distress: subverted by Coax in issue #14.
  • Dark Messiah: Daddy-O. He was the head of a cult that worshipped himself and is one of the greatest supervillains in the world.
  • Death from Above: Zeroth's favorite attack.
  • Demolitions Expert: Little Susie Homewrecker.
  • Differently Powered Individual: They are called "Emergents".
  • The Dragon: Ixnay to the Hat. In issue #14 there is also a real dragon, Zeva who acts as The Dragon to Coax.
  • Evil Twin: Absolute Zeroth. He is an evil version of Zeroth that wore an inverted color version of Zeroth's suit.
  • The Faceless: The Abyss, Pesticide, ...
  • Forced Tutorial: Issue #1.
  • Glory Days: This is the name of a card (referring to the glory days of the Upstarts).
  • Great Offscreen War: The battle with the quiskerians and the killing of Phaeton
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: Moxie's missiles.
  • Hospital Hottie: The Protector. She's so attractive, some students pretend to be injured/sick or intentionally get themselves hurt so that they can see her.
  • Hulk Speak: Dimetrodon speaks this way, demonstrating his lack of intellect.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: Skilled sculptors start doing this, to which that Helios has made clones, medieval catapults, and a working bulldozer, all out of fire.
  • Leotard of Power: Moxie's beauty queen swimsuit... I mean her costume. Coax's costume also counts.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: You have to fight almost all other superheroes at least once (for training or testing or some silly reason).
  • Masked Luchador: The Form and the Function.
  • Meta Game: Whenever a strategy becomes too powerful, new cards are introduced to counter said strategy.
  • Megaton Punch: Alot of cards, when you get down to them, consist of a picture of some super powered hero or villain punching real hard and the move itself is implied to be the same thing.
  • Monster Modesty: Dimetrodon, similar to how the Hulk always has pants.
  • Mooks: the henchmen: sunderlings, gingerhaired men, ...
  • Most Common Super Power: All female characters have this 'power'.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Moxie, Little Suzie, the Protector, Coax. All of them are example of beautiful women in the game.
  • Only Six Faces: And since there are very few interesting pieces of equipment, players' avatars are very similar.
  • Patriotic Fervour: Zeroth cares only about three things, the world, America, and himself, nothing more
  • Post-Climax Confrontation: After the events of volume 1, you have to fight a minor vilain, Sunder, who gathers henchmen and storms the city while the most experienced heroes are still recovering from the fight with the Big Bad.
  • Power Armor: Johnny Tinker's flying suit.
  • Puberty Superpower: Many emergents gain their powers when they are teenagers or young adults.
  • Shout-Out: Many. They are discussed here.
  • Sibling Rivalry: Between Bantam and Bookworm, to the point there is a card named after this trope.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Moxie is the only female member of the genesis squadron. Other teams avert this trope.
  • Something Person: Almost averted. Iso-man is the only example.
  • Super Hero School: You start as a student in a school called "the Phaeton Project"
  • Super Power Lottery: Zeroth is the first Emergent, and also the most powerful. At least when he is an adult.
  • Super Team: Several, including the Genesis Squadron, the Meanwhile Squadron, the Upstarts, the Homeschool, the Whom, the Drama Club, ...
  • Time Police: the Chronarchivist and her Meanwhile squadron.
  • Time Skip: Between most issues.
  • Time Travel: During the Tempus arc. Shimmerstorm can also travel through time, and bring other people with her. Zeroth and the Hat have this power too.
  • Time-Travel Tense Trouble: Shimmerstorm speaks exclusively in this.
    Shimmerstorm: "Like I'll tell you yesterday, I was ready."
  • Tragic Villain: Absolute Zeroth and Dr. Tessera, He fell in love with her, but when the Schism started to give her nightmares, she turned herself into a monster to stop them, because of this Absolute Zeroth tried to make the Schism destroy the world and every bad memory in it.
  • Tron Lines: the dimensional armor
  • Worthless Yellow Rocks: Bucks can become this late in the game, however with the addition of the sealed issues, they now have a lot of use. Now ironically the legacy coins thanks to the end of the game.
