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Video Game / Koopa Kingdom Escape

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Super Mario: Mushroom Mayhem is a ROM hack of Super Mario Bros. 3 created by DahrkDaiz, who is creating it as a sequel/Spiritual Successor to Mario Adventure. It is not yet complete, but development is being tracked here.

During development, it was known as Mario Adventure 3, in reference to the unfinished Luigi Vs. Mario hack, which would have been Mario Adventure 2, had the data for it not been lost. It was then known as Koopa Kingdom Escape until December 2nd where the final title was revealed. Super Mario: Mushroom Mayhem is being made using Captain Southbird's disassembly worknote . While the game is not yet finished, you can get the demo here (third-party link; the official one is no longer active) and the modified source code has been made available to the public under a BSD license here.

This game provides examples of:

  • Anti-Frustration Features: The air level mentioned under Levels Take Flight contains multiple opportunities to obtain extra P Wings, so the level doesn't become impossible to complete without having to restart it.
  • Attack Reflector: Despite Raccoon Mario receiving relatively few changes (as in Mario Adventure), his tail is still useful for deflecting projectiles.
  • Call-Back: It begins where Mario Adventure ended, complete with a much easier version of that game's final boss.
  • Elite Mook: Birdo is now a common enemy, but isn't exactly easy to kill, only being vulnerable to either five fireballs or having two eggs deflected by Raccoon Mario's tail (stomping doesn't work at all).
  • Everything's Deader with Zombies: Zombie Paragoombas called Zoombas can infect Mario if they touch him.
  • Floating Mask: Phantos. The Super Mario Bros. 2-style keys wouldn't be complete without them.
  • Homing Projectile: Blue Spiny Shells. Yes, the ones from Mario Kart. DahrkDaiz apparently "just had to do it."
  • Interchangeable Antimatter Keys: In this game, keys work similarly to how they worked in Super Mario Bros. 2, right down to the need to avoid Phanto until they're used.
  • Levels Take Flight: There is at least one level that takes place almost entirely in the air. The P Wing became an in-level item because of this.
  • Ninja: Ninja Bros., which throw shurikens instead of hammers and have greatly improved dodging skills.
  • The Pin Is Mightier Than the Sword: Badges can be bought with cherries and provide various upgrades.
  • Pirate: Some doors require a certain amount of coins to unlock. Since simply collecting coins would be too easy on its own, Mario has to deal with Pirate Boos, who try to take them back. They are distinguished from regular Boos by their eyepatches.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Frog Mario was worthless outside of World 3 in Super Mario Bros. 3 and left out of Mario Adventure entirely. In this game, it becomes Poison Frog Mario, which has the ability to activate temporary invincibility to make up for the original's flaws.
  • Video Game Tutorial: Near the beginning, one is given for all the new power-ups.
