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Video Game / Grass Cutting Incremental

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"It's a game where numbers go up!!!"
This game's description

Grass Cutting Incremental is an Idle Game built in Roblox in which you cut grass, spending it to unlock upgrades that allow you to cut more grass. Eventually, you will industrialize, and fly off into space in your grass cutting endeavor.

Warning: most game mechanics will go unspoilered, however, content related to the ""story"" or part of the v0.8 update will be tagged spoiler unless stated otherwise.

Cut tropes to earn tropes, then spend those tropes on upgrades to earn even more tropes.

  • Achievement System: Two different examples, those being the Accomplishments board and Flower Milestones. Accomplishments give boosts for taking on challenge runs, while Flower Milestones give the player Flowers for reaching certain milestones of currencies.
  • Alternate Universe:
    • The Anti-Realm, accessed by decelerating the world. Here, time is heavily slowed down, and some of your resource gain is heavily lowered, but instead of grass you're cutting anti-grass, instead of Prestige there's Anonymity, instead of Crystals there's Oil, instead of Grasshops you can Grassskip, and instead of Steel you have Fun. A lot of Anti-Realm content directly benefits the normal world, namely Charge and Steel upgrades, as Steel is only accessible in the normal world and Charge is incredibly slow in the Anti-Realm.
    • Furthermore, Upon your first sacrifice, You unlock A new Funny machine building which Allows you to go to the Unatural-Realm. Instead of grass, it's Unatural-Grass, Prestige is Normality, Crystals are Clouds (albeit generated instantly upon hitting the level requirement), and Grasshops are grassjumps. These upgrades influence many parts of the game During this stage.
  • Acronymand Abbreviation Overload: Present in several parts of the game.
    • The default notation only shows up to four letters of the number leading to ridiculous sounding notations such as "Qaog", or "Sphe".
    • Supernova tiers are abbreviated to "SNTX" with X being the tier you're on, like SNT 8.
    • Many currencies are abbreviated too, Such as "Ap" or "Np".
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: For the most part, Robux cannot help you progress, but with the 0.4 update, you're now able to buy Flowers with Robux. However, this update also gave more methods of collecting Flowers, and allows you to respec them, making them easier to use.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Spassman, The character next to the light forest portal, Seems to do nothing except tell you "this is not the time...". However, upon dark matter centralize, spassman will brig you to the void, where he will explain that grassman is building an army of grass, and you must obtain the grassland gem, leading to the grassland. He's not really telling the truth, however.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: The Anti-Realm is full of Anti-X, but it's equivalent to Automation is Anti-Anti-Automation. But, without one of those Antis, it'd do the exact opposite of what it actually does.
  • Deliberate Under-Performance:
    • Most accomplishments require this, requiring the player to not use specific upgrade tiers in order to reach certain levels or tiers before resetting.
    • The Anti-Grasshop Milestones reward the player for going Galactic with low levels of Grasshop, starting at 28 and going down. Eventually, you'll have to start reaching Grassskips without any Grasshops to get new Anti-Grasshop Milestones.
    • Solarian Challenges make you sunrise or sunset, bring your fm to 1, and then require you to get to a specific stage with a certain penalty, like faster enemy scaling.
  • Extended Gameplay: after Spassman betrays you and sends you to U2, You can head back to your original save file, where there's a new option next to the final castle, "loop" which resets basically EVERYTHING. This leads to FIVE tiers of loop with more extra content in the main game, like D11, some of which haven't even been obtained at the time this trope page is being written.
  • Impossible Item Drop: Grassland Has many enemies, with the first half being grass. This raises an important question as to how you get rare blades and generators. The latter half have these Peices of grass replaced by little recreations of a Grassman-type person would look like. These are more convincing, however still are quite odd.
  • Interface Spoiler: Players can choose to display Three different things on their avatar, those being Any leveling in the levels tab, any currency in the currencies tab, and anything under the "stats display settings". This can be an issue, As someone can simply start the game, and within the first minute a player with The final tier of Loop can show themselves to the player.
  • Point of No Return: With supernova tier 5, you unlock a new building called the "Void obelisk", Which PERMANENTLY removes all curencies pre-supernova (excluding grass) Once you have enough of that currency. By the time you get that much, however, The currency basically does nothing for you.
  • Reset Milestones: Being an incremental game, grass cutting incremental has many. Examples include:
    • Grasshops in the normal-realm.
    • Grass-Skips in the anti-realm.
      • Anti-Grasshop, while not technically falling under this category, still has many of the same mechanics.
    • Grass-Jumps in the unatural-realm.
    • Planetary tiers in Planetoids
    • Supernova tiers in the star.
  • Take Your Time: As most players will tell you, it's best to grind out certain tiers of progression until it starts to slow before taking on your highest reset, such as the Rocket, as Galactic Resets keep Rocket Fuel upgrades but nothing else.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The Statue in the Island, alongside the rare Mogus items within grassland, are Refrences to synonymously memed game Among Us.
      • Furthermore, The evil visual for the unatural realm has the Among us statue decapitated, Referencing how you die in the game.
    • Dark Dungeon 4 is a reference to (Rain World spoilers) Five Pebbles, An iterator with a factory-like superstructure being infected by the rot throughout the story, present inside the dungeon.
  • Time Master: The player can skip forward in time with Time Warps and, with the right Building, slow time down.
  • Unexpected Gameplay Change: Seen in planetoid's Constellation, The star's Solarians, and Grassland's Dungeons.
  • Uniqueness Decay: As the game has so many layers of resets, eventually you'll be automatically producing currencies for free, and even buying their upgrades automatically. The Producer allows you to buy upgrades without spending any currency, and gives upgrades that remove the auto-buy cap.
  • The Worf Effect: Prestige gets trumped by Crystals, which gets trumped by Grasshops and Steel, which then get trumped by Galactic Resets... it's a pretty repetitive cycle.
