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Video Game / Dog City Denver

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"I'm sending you to Denver. They call it "Dog City" now. You'll find out why. Though your task may be difficult, the goal is simple... KILL PORTER!"

Dog City Denver is a Game Mod for Fallout: New Vegas created by Nexus Mods user RJHelms84, released in 2011.

Answering a mysterious job offer leads to the Courier being kidnapped and sent to Denver, Coloradonote , now known as Dog City due to the packs of crazed dogs that rule its streets. The man who sent you there, Rogers, promises that he'll let you go if you find and kill a man named Porter. It's up to you to navigate Denver's ruined streets, contend with its menaces, and resolve the feud between the two men.

Dog City Denver contains examples of:

  • Balance of Power: Porter claims that this is why he wants Terrence, the member of the Legion scouting party who is still loyal to the Legion, dead. Otherwise, Terrence could get the Legion to come to Denver, and they could curb-stomp anyone who stood against them. note 
  • Deadly Dust Storm: Denver is surrounded by radioactive dust storms. Step in one, die in a matter of seconds. (Yes, this is the way the creator keeps you from going in directions you're not supposed to go.)
  • Drought Level of Doom: Resources are extremely scarce in Denver. Food and water, strangely, are pretty plentiful- the real problems are ammo and medical supplies. Ammo is almost nonexistent save the 5.56mm rounds used by the salvagers, but they just chew them up with their automatic weapons, so there may not be a lot left by the time you kill them. Medical supplies are only found in a couple first aid boxes. Oh, and there's no doctor, merchant or repair person. Better move quickly!
  • Fetch Quest: One of two sidequests tasks you with collecting 10 drinking glasses for Richards so that he can build a mirror for a fellow salvager. It's fairly trivial if you get them from the Mojave, but you'll need to look hard if you want to collect all ten from Dog City.
  • I Can Rule Alone: Porter and Rogers used to run one of the salvager camps before Porter had Rogers expelled. He claims it was because he was reckless and unreliable, but from his personality and history it's pretty clear that he just wanted all the power.
  • Knockout Gas: How Rogers gets you at the beginning of the story.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: The robots in the police station have an electrical field surrounding them that gives them an absurdly high Damage Threshold of 510. Your only hope is to reach the generator and shut it off before they kill you. Later, in the police bunker, you'll encounter a guy who managed to get that working on himself.
  • Prisoner's Work: The salvagers were originally New California Republic prisoners, sent to salvage items and material from Denver's ruins in exchange for their eventual release. It's not said how they escaped from NCR control, but by the time of your arrival there's no sign of the NCR around.
  • Red Herring: Rogers' note at the beginning accurately summarizes all of the challenges you will face... except for the Force Field part. He mentions that you may encounter forcefields, but "there will always be a console nearby to shut [them] down." Forcefields are only found in one location, and there's no way to shut them off.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: You don't actually need to finish the main quest: When Porter gives you the key to the river passage, the next step in the main quest is to go to Rogers' riverside hideout, but there's nothing stopping you from taking the barge back to the Mojave. (You can still sail back to Denver if you want to finish things later).
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Crazy old Dogbody lives alone in his cave, and you only need to interact with him to get one key. However, reading scattered journal entries reveals that he caused the destruction of the old salvager camp by letting the wild dogs in as revenge for Porter killing a bunch of dogs. Thus being responsible for Porter and Rogers setting up their new camp, and then the feud between the two, and then Rogers kidnapping you so that you can kill Porter.
  • Take Over the City: Rogers' goal for the future, should you side with him, is to take over all the salvager claims and rule Dog City. Presumably Porter's as well, only he never tells you so on account of him trying to kill you should you side with him.
  • Teleportation: Porter pulls this a couple of times, though it's never explained how.
