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Video Game / Captain Forever

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Captain Forever is a series of space shooter games created by Australian developer Jarred "Farbs" Woods which features modular ships and the ability to drag and drop modules into your ship.

Captain Successor is a Mission-Pack Sequel that mostly adds in new parts and enemy ships. Captain Impostor, on the other hand, eschews the "drag and drop modules to your ship to make it stronger" gameplay of the first two games and instead has you control a ship that can clone whole ship designs and absorb destroyed enemy command modules to upgrade the modules of the ship you clone.

A Compilation Re Release of the first three games and a remake of Forever that recontextualizes the events of the game as the imaginary escapades of children have also been released on Steam as well.

ATTENTION SURVIVOR: This game series contains the following tropes:

  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: The enemy ships, as well as their modules, are different colors to represent what tier they are. Alpha is green, Bravo is yellow, Charlie is orange, and so on.
  • Final Boss: Impostor has one in the form of Captain Blix, a Kilo-tier ship that has ramming spikes that do massive damage at short range and a shield that protects the command module.
