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Video Game / Button Game Series

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The Button Games are a series of flash games made by BanglaBoy96 of

The Games in the series are:

  • Button Game 1: A robot called SAZA wants you to complete 10 missions.
  • Button Game 2: Ho-Ho-Bo, a hobo dressed as Santa Clause in a trash can, wants you to complete 20 Missions.
  • Secret Button Game: A game starring Muzzy, hidden in Dot Toucher 2000.
  • Button Gam3: 25 missions.
  • Button Game 4: SAZA returns, but is quickly defeated. 25 missions.
  • Button Game 5: The Coco Plops monkey wants you to do 30 missions.
  • Button Game Seasons: The missions are divided among the 4 seasons of the year.
  • Button Game Classics: A game where the Button Game series returns to its roots, and overshoots by 80 years.
  • Button Game: Tales: A 5 chapter game which chronicles the player, Sebass, Genu, Duairt, Tran, Bunnie Rabbot through a series of stories based off popular books, movies and games.
  • Button Game 8: SAZA is back, and he wants you to complete 50 missions, however, not all goes to plan.
  • Button Game Halloween: SAZA returns from the dead to give you 10 missions. Pumpkin Man from Flowerman also makes an appearence.
  • Button Game X-MAS: Ho-Ho-Bo is back, and wants you dead for Christmas.
  • Button Game 9: Sidious tries to take over the world with his Taco army, and his new and improved SAZA.
  • Button Game Bronze Edition: The characters from previous Button Games return to wreak havoc on the earth.
  • Button Game Trilogy: A remake/reimagining of the first three Button Games.

The Button Games contain examples of:

  • Easy-Mode Mockery: Button Game Halloween and 9 mock you for playing the game on Easy or Normal.
  • Locked Door: The mission with Barney Gumble in Button Game 5, you must bust him out of Jail, however when you find the key it turns out Barney escaped by himself.
  • Nostalgia Level: Missions 1-20 of Button Game 8 are throwbacks to previous games in the series.
  • Password Save: Button Game Tales uses passwords for different chapters.
  • Pop Quiz: The first 20 missions of Button Game 8 are throwbacks to old Button Games.
  • Recurring Boss: SAZA, Sidious, Sephiroth, and more characters have to be fought more than once throughout the series.
  • Retcon: Button Game Trilogy sets up the series for later plots, since the original games didn't really have an arc.
  • RPG Elements: Many, most notably the inventory system in chapters 1-3 of Button Game Tales, though it's not exactly dynamic.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Deadness: Weird ones here!
    • SAZA—Got destroyed by water: survived.
    • SAZA—Impaled by a giant lead pencil: survived.
    • SAZA—Shot repeatedly on multiple occasions: survived.
    • Sidious—Fell into outer space: survived.
    • Joey, Punk and Mick—Annihilated from gunshots from the player and the police: survived.
    • It would be easier to say that pretty much every character, with like 2 exceptions can survive being killed in this series.
  • Trial-and-Error Gameplay: Lots, Button Game 8 and Halloween are guilty of this, having multiple choice Questions, in Button Game Halloween´s hard mode you only get one life for each mission up to SAZA. Button Game Trilogy embraces this too, bringing back the "You make one mistake and go back to the start" gameplay.
