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Video Game / Another Sight

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"Hodge, listen." "Mrrrow..."

Illuminate the Darkness

Catherine "Kit" Nightengale wakes up in the London railway, finding her vision fading, her father vanished, and herself injured. Fortunately for her, her hearing appears to help her make sense of her environment, and a very friendly and intelligent cat has decided to help guide her around. She picks herself up, dusts herself off, and decides to set out to find her father.

Of course, things are not nearly so simple, and she happens to stumble across a strange structure that resembles a blend between the London bridge and some sort of technological device...

Another Sight is a 2018 Puzzle Platformer, developed by Lunar Great Wall studios, set at the end of the Victorian era. Gameplay consists of switching between Kit and her feline companion Hodge to activate various bits of machinery in order to progress. Kit is reliant on ambient sounds to navigate, though she can call out to Hodge for a guiding meow; Hodge is highly mobile, but unable to throw switches, which the very human Kit can handle. Switching between the two provides two very different visions of the world around them... and as the game goes on, which version of reality is stranger becomes increasingly unclear...

Another Sight has the following tropes:

  • Alice Allusion: Kit herself at one point remarks she feels like Alice in Wonderland.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Claude Debussy's entire appearance. All the other characters at least interact with each other and take time to explain what they're doing there, but Debussy shows up playing a piano, transports Kit to a giant organ in the middle of nowhere, teaches her a tune, rambles on about the Node, and then dissolves into nothingness.
  • Disability Superpower: While Kit loses her vision at the start of the game, she finds herself able to see colored outlines based off sound and can also detect the presence of the Node and some of the things it creates. She also develops an unexplained connection to Hodge, who can provide more detail by running around and meowing.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Claude Debussy... maybe. He rambles on in semi-repetitive sentences peppered with musical terminology and insists on teaching Kit a short tune on the piano before he talks about the Node. However, when he does talk about it, he seems much more aware of the risks it poses then the 'saner' characters, and the tune he teaches happens to be identical to the keystone order Kit needs to use in order to access the Node in the end.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Downplayed: The guards are a legitimate threat to Kit, thanks to their well-organized patrols and careful placement. However, Hodge can meow at them, and they will spend enough time trying to shoo the cat away for her to get to the next spot for her to hide.
  • Historical Domain Character: Aside from Kit, Hodge, and (possibly) Kit's barely seen parents, the entire named cast are actual historical figures. Sort of justified, since the game takes place beneath 1899 London, but it's still strange to have the niece of Thomas Edison be directed to Nikola Tesla by his nextdoor neighbor Claude Monet.
  • Mind Screw: The 'Only One' ending achieved by walking into the Node shows the empty inside of a house, with Kit's mother narrating to her that the world is hers. We cut to outside the house, on a vast empty grass plain, and watch it disintegrate. Unlike the other two endings, this is not explained.
  • Nearly Normal Animal: Hodge is a very intelligent cat, reacting to Kit talking to him and helping her maneuver around the environment. Various characters remark on how he always seems to know his way around the area, and he can even operate some very basic machinery. In the one level he's separated from Kit, he traverses a dreamrealm and pops out of a portal just in time to assail the witch talking to Kit; it's implied (and confirmed in the prequel game) that he is capable of using these portals to hop around the game world at will, though it's not clear if he makes them or just knows where they are.
  • Phlebotinum-Induced Steampunk: Well, almost. The phlebotinum is there, and there's certainly a lot of steampunk, but the people who use and study the Node are extremely worried that mishandling it could have dire circumstances; even Nikola Tesla is wary of using it for anything more than powering his machines (although he is studying it to make more sense of it). One ending has this trope played completely straight after Thomas Edison gets his hands on the Node; we see a quick glimpse of a city of skyscrapers with massive gears and smokestacks.
  • Rewriting Reality: The Node is a mysterious glowing purple rock capable of bringing imagined things into reality. However, nobody knows exactly how it works, and it's all but stated to be incredibly risky to use; the main conflict of the story is that the people who know about it want to keep it out of the hands of the people who would just exploit it, and Kit happens to be caught in the middle.
  • Steampunk: Justified by the game taking place in 1899, and with Nikola Tesla apparently being the driving force behind most of the technological oddities.
  • 2½D: The game has three dimensional graphics and two-dimensional gameplay, for the most part, although Kit can hide behind some objects in the foreground and background. Hodge and Kit are actually on slightly different layers of the world, which means Hodge can be blocked by things Kit can walk around and vice versa; usually Hodge is behind Kit, but sometimes he weaves in front of her to jump on foreground elements.
