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Video Game / Albert And Otto

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Albert and Otto is a Puzzle Platformer game developed and published by KBros Games. Though originally planned as a series, only the first instalment, The Adventure Begins, was released. That episode became available on Steam on 28 October, 2015, and was later ported to iOS in 2016, and to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2018.

As a young boy named Albert, the player must traverse a haunting world set in 1939 Germany. He is in search of a mysterious girl with rabbit ears. However, Albert is not alone on this adventure, as help comes in the form of the girl’s magical bunny, Otto.

Tropes used so far:

  • Artificial Limbs: One of Albert's arms is a prosthetic that allows him to shoot out grappling hooks. It is often used to grab sheep and use them in one of the game's many puzzles.
  • Background Boss: The first boss is a large robot that is affixed to background and strikes from there with a giant hammer in one of its arms. Albert obviously cannot harm it himself, and instead needs to trick it into striking a mechanism that will drops boulders of unprocessed ore from a chute above its head.
  • Black Comedy Animal Cruelty: Many puzzles involve sacrificing sheep.
  • Breath Weapon: Right before the episode ends, there is an encounter with a boss who can only be described as a sea dragon, and who will easily breathe out long jets of flames. It first needs to be distracted with a sheep, and then crushed with a conveniently placed spiky ball on a chain.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: On all characters that aren't simply silhouettes.
  • Collection Sidequest: There are 25 shards that you can collect throughout the first episode.
  • Cliffhanger: At the end of the episode, Albert falls into the river and nearly drowns, but his unconscious body gets dragged out by Otto to the shore. Otto then spots a figure in a gas mask near him, and the game flashes a "To be continued".
  • Creepy Crows: Huge crows that are at least the size of an adult (and much larger than Albert) are one of the game's key opponents to be avoided or outsmarted.
  • Damsel in Distress: The girl with rabbit ears who owns Otto, and who gets kidnapped by a tendril of darkness in the prologue, thus kicking off the plot.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Aside from the occasional bit of red, there are no colors outside of shades of grey.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Given the game's setting, it's quite clear that the girl with rabbit ears is meant to be Jewish, while the dark dogs and crows represent the Nazis. A robot boss not only has the top of its head shaped like a period-era German helmet, but also outright has an SS lightning symbol on its forehead.
  • One Hitpoint Wonder: Like many a typical Puzzle Platformer protagonist, Albert is instantly killed by anything that may hurt him.
  • Spikes of Doom: Spiky obstacles that instantly kill Albert are present at some points of the game.
  • Spike Balls of Doom: These are also present at times. The dragon boss at the end of the episode ultimately needs to be killed with one.
  • Super Drowning Skills: Albert instantly dies if he falls into any body of water. At the end of the episode, he falls in in a cutscene, but his unconscious body gets dragged out by Otto to the shore.
