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Video Game / A Primer on the Capture and Identification of the Little Folk

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A Primer On The Capture And Identification Of The Little Folk Of Myth And Legend is online interactive fiction Freeware made in Twine by Krishan Coupland, that's Exactly What It Says on the Tin, released on January 7, 2015. It's a digital version of a flowchart from a book of the same name.

It's a single html file, to be downloaded if wanted, but available online here.


  • Animorphism: The Puca-type of Little Folk can change into animal form:
    Well, I must say that I'm impressed you've managed to capture a PUCA (also known as a PWCA, a CROMLECH or a PHOOCA). This shape-shifting spirit most often takes animal form, but no matter how it changes its fur always remains jet black.
  • Creatures by Many Other Names: It offers multiple spellings for the names of the tiny humanoids, such as:
    Marvellous — you've captured a FAIRY (also called a FAE or FAERIE).
  • Literary Agent Hypothesis: In-Universe. As the opening says:
    Whilst researching pixies for my short story, "Blue", I stumbled across an ancient-looking field guide at the back of a local bookshop. It was called A Primer On The Capture And Identification Of The Little Folk Of Myth And Legend. The cover was wrecked, and half the pages had fallen out, so I have no idea who wrote it. The author comes across as somewhat... eccentric. I found it incredibly useful though — especially the flowchart section at the back. I couldn't find any record of the book online, so I took the liberty of transcribing that chapter into digital form. I hope someone finds it useful!
  • Proud Industrious Race: As the writer says, "Menehune are said to be incredible craftspeople". Capturing, subduing, and then giving them tools to marvel at the resultant creation is encouraged.
  • Winged Humanoid: Asking whether the "tiny humanoid" has wings, is the second question, if the tiny humanoid is about a hand span in size, and it's a trait of FAIRIES and PIXIES.
