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Useful Notes / Mathematical Notations

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Mathematical notation is a system of symbols used to represent mathematical concepts. It is often used in the Role-Playing Game and especially Idle Game genres to indicate extremely large numbers, which would be impractical to measure when written in full, due to computing, space, and human comprehension limits.

  • Standard: It's used to represent rough short forms of numbers. Can be helpful with smaller numbers for most laypeople, but tends to pose problems at extremely large numbers due to requiring lots of shortened versions at once and the lesser known number potentially being confusing. Example: 134T, for 134 trillion.
  • Scientific: Also known as the e notation, it's the one most people use as it's easy to understand and the one used in science. Example: 1.25e29.
  • Engineering: It can be considered a combined version of standard and scientific. Example: 132e27.
  • Letters: Similar to engineering but adds letters next to a number, with the letters going in alphabetical order or with a number after the letter (so a2 after z). Example: 1.76tropes or 1.33k6.
  • Logarithmic: It skips the first few numbers and uses a logarithm with 10 as base in front of e. It's useful if you intend to go beyond 1,000,000 in terms of power, as there's very little practical difference between 1.2e12,345,678 and 3.6e12,345,678. Example: e2,549,111.
  • Infinity: Similar to logarithmic, but uses the JavaScript definition of infinity (1.798e308) as its base. Example: 0.3455∞.
  • Long scale: Similar to standard, but gives up to six digits before the notation. Example: 10000,00 SpVg.

Several of these are practical, but some notations are only implemented as jokes or for Self-Imposed Challenge purposes.

  • Bar: Writes the entire number as bars, with them getting filled like digits.
  • Binary: Writes the number's power as its binary representation. Example: 1e10111011.
  • Blind: Doesn't show anything.
  • Blobs: Only shows blob emojis.
  • Brackets: Uses different brackets. Example: e{][.[(.
  • Cancer: Also known as emoji notation, it's letters with emojis that correspond to each letter (a is 😠 or angry, b is 🎂 or birthday). It's not that different from the one it's based on, but not everyone likes/understands emojis and they can't be shown properly on all devices. Example: 1.23🍦🌈⛔.
  • Chinese: Writes the number entirely in Chinese. Example: 四點九二〇秭(九百六十五)极.
  • Clock: Similar to emoji, but uses clocks with moving hands to represent it. Example: 1.22🕐
  • Dots: Writes the number with Braille alphabet. Example: ⠷⢠⡶⣗⣿⠍⠁⢅⡒.
  • Elemental: Uses chemical elements. Example: 89.80 × (18 H + Li + Be).
  • English: Writes the entire number, word by word. Example: two hundred and fifty duotrigintatrecentinano-octovigintiquingentimicro-novendecisescentimilli-septemvigintiquingentillion.
  • Flags: Uses various flag codes or emojis. Example: 220.00🇦🇫🇵🇾🇵🇦🇦🇿.
  • Fours: Interprets the number as a series of operations with the number four. Example: 4^(((4+4+4÷4+4×4×4!÷√4)^√4)^√4).
  • Greek letters: Uses the Greek alphabet instead of Latin. Example: 1.03 αξΜΟ.
  • Hex: Gives an eight-digit hexadecimal representation, starting from 80000000 as 0. A more detailed explanation from the creator of FE000000 (which the game is named after) can be found here. Example: FE1E63B9.
  • Hexadecimal: Works like scientific, but in base16. Example: A.6Ce78,12E.
  • Imperial: Gives a description with an imperial metric and an adjective. Example: a gigantic firkin and 6 gallons.
  • Japanese: Uses Japanese characters. Example: 7.50×10の126乗.
  • Morse: Gives a representation in Morse code. Example: ·—— ···— ····-e····- ——-.
  • Omega: Writes an omega representation. Example: ω[ω(β₃₁₇)^Ψ₆₆₂](λ₅₅₆).
  • Omega (Short}: A shorter version of omega. Example: ω[ω[1](β₃₁₈)](λ₅₅₆)
  • Prestige Layer: Writes the power as a prestige layer inspired by Antimatter Dimensions. Above 1e308 it writes how many infinities you'd have, above 1e308 infinity how many eternities, above 1e308 eternity how many realities, and then continues with randomly chosen -ity words like affinity. Example: 19,506,000,000 eternity.
  • Prime: The number written with Prime Numbers that comprise it. Example: (3*1109)^(2).
  • Precise Prime: Similar to prime, but more precise. Example: 2*30633838131313.
  • Roman: Gives out the number as Roman numerals, with some that weren't actually used in Ancient Rome. Example: ⅭⅬⅩⅩⅩⅠⅠ:↑ⅯⅯⅮⅭⅭⅭⅩⅩⅩ⁙↑ⅠS.
  • Shi: Uses Chinese characters, often with the titular one. Example: 士十士.
  • Tritetrated: Writes the number as what you'd have to raise by itself twice to get it. Example: 5.5479↑↑3.
  • YES/NO: Writes 0 as NO and anything above it as YES.
  • Zalgo: Returns a zalgofied number, which may be displayed randomly. Example: 1̶͓,̶9̶3҉4̷̰,͓7̷1̸4҉.̶8̿.

You can test most of these out here, using numbers as big as 9.99e8,999,999,999,999,999.

That was the standard stuff, though. If you want to use numbers that go beyond the limits of the break_infinity.js library, you'll need much different notations designed for these.

  • Repeated logarithmic: A continuation of the logarithmic notation, it adds multiple es to show how many times the number has been raised to the power of 10 and then another power. Example: ee350, for 10^(10^(350)). Generally doesn't go past eeee.
  • Hyperscientific: Also known as the F notation, it shows how many times the number has been raised to the power of 10. Example: 1.5F9. It's possible to use later letters to represent higher operations, for example G can be used to show how many times the number has been tetrated by 10 (which is called pentation).
  • Hyper-E Operator: The number after the first # is the power, second is tetration, third is pentation, etc. Example: E201#2#1#2.
  • Up arrow notation: Two arrows means tetration, three arrows means pentation, etc. Example: 10⬆️⬆️⬆️3.
