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Trope Co / Ominous Television

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Do you need a night light for those dark nights alone? Are mundane cable prices too steep for you? Did video kill the radio star and you want to say hi to his ghost?

Introducing the Trope Co.® Ominous Television™!

With the Ominous Television™, you can perform all kinds of pranks and supernatural rituals from the comfort of your own home. Perform seances, levitated your furniture, visit the Spirit World and banish demons from the airwaves!

Call us a 1-800-555-TROPECO and receive the latest model of Ominous Television™ today!

WARNING: If Ominous Television™ receives any channels or signals not found listed in the Trope Co.® Ominous Television™ Guide Book, turn off the Ominous Television™ immediately, turn your socks inside-out and please exit the room in a calm and orderly manual. Do not call any 1-800 numbers displayed in any infomercial or comedy sketches displayed on Ominous Television™. Trope Co.® is not responsible for any Electromagnetic Ghost manifestations, Reality Bleeding, Ominous Visual Glitches, Fake Interactivity, hurtful conversations or unfortunate coincidences caused by Ominous Television™.

Do not leave Ominous Television™ in the same room alone with the Trope Co.® Supernatural Phone™, or else [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and /or [REDACTED] may occur.

To call customer service for any questions or problems related to the Trope Co.® Ominous Television™, please perform Ritual 002-153v listed in the Trope Co.® Ominous Television™ User-Manual.
