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Trivia / Wii Funkin

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  • He Also Did: TheMaskedChris previously made an animatic adaptation of Wii Deleted You before creating Vs. eteled.
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor: AnthemOverload, original composer of Vs. eteled, was been called out for having done sexual acts with minors, along other things. As a result, the rest of Vs. eteled have removed him from working on the project. However, unlike Doki Doki Takeover!, which had a similar situation and replaced the song by the offending composer, the songs AnthemOverload composed will remain unchanged.
  • What Could Have Been: A collab with Vs Bob And Bosip was planned, featuring Matt. Development reached the stage of unique sprites for Bob and Bosip similar to how Boyfriend appears in Wii Funkin, but was immediately halted once the Troubled Production of the B&B EX Update and several other allegations of misconduct by AmorAltra came to light.
