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Trivia / White Day: A Labyrinth Named School

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  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: GameSpot's House of Horrors showcased some gameplay of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, and one of the co-commentators stated the game was made by Unnamed. Sonnori are the actual developers of this game, Unnamed just translated it while fixing the game's bugs and compatibility with newer operating systems.
  • Fan Translation: There was an earlier English fan translation of the game before, albeit a poor one. Unnamed Studios has been working a more proper fan translation of the game as well as retooling the game so it can run on non-Korean PCs.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: For a time it was only through torrent and file-sharing sites that people outside Korea were even able to hear about this game, let alone even play it, and it was next to impossible to find physical copies anywhere and Digital Distribution seemed very unlikely due to the game's obscurity along with SONORI's dissolution. This however changed by 2015 when the original developers re-emerged and worked on a remake of A Labyrinth Named School for the modern era and was finally localized for Western players. The remake saw a release on smartphones overseas in 2016, followed by a PlayStation 4 and PC release in 2017.
  • Market-Based Title: The remake is titled The School: White Day in international releases, but only on mobile platforms.
  • No Export for You: Originally it was supposed to have an English European release, but it was canceled before it was even finished. It did however got a remake that was published by PQube Limited and saw an international release.
  • Vaporware: 4AM Entertainment's official English for the game.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • There are several earlier known versions of the game, including White Day: Blood Party and White Day: A Ghost School Tragedy. The former of these had a larger cast.
    • The end credits shows a silhouette of Seong-Ah bashfully kissing Hui-Min on the cheek, implying that she was going to be a romance option at some point but the idea was ultimately dropped.
