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Trivia / Vs Cheeky

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  • Development Gag: "Rivals", according to Salami Wizard, features parts of an early draft of Tough Stone.
  • Dummied Out: As is tradition with many Friday Night Funkin' mods, several assets are inexplicably left in the mod's files:
    • "DACHEEKY.png," a drawing of Cheeky posing in the style of rapper DaBaby.
    • "Mr_shoes.png," a drawing of Cheeky wearing track shoes in reference to the "drip" meme. Also the same picture that Pagan draws in one of Salami Wizard's videos before Sun Sorb shoots them a Death Glare.
    • "Mirrormansuckslol.png," a rough sketch of Cheeky spelling out "YOU SUCK" in scrap metal and showing it to VESZTESEG's protagonist, Mirror Man.
    • "them.png," an art deco-style portrait featuring Cheeky, Ómen, Bruh Jesus (a comedic Foil to Jesu), and Señor Diego Bernabé (a Funny Foreigner and Dreadful Musician who can also replace Jesu.)
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The mod was trashed on GameBanana and removed from GitHub following MUGEN's copyright claim, meaning those who want to experience it must resort to unofficial reuploads or watching a Let's Play of it.note 
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: The mod was trashed on Gamebanana following a copyright claim by MUGEN - the person who made M.U.G.E.N, not the engine itself. The mod was allowed to stay on for months, leaving one to infer the claim was out of spite following Salami, the mod creator, cutting ties with MUGEN after he was exposed.
  • What Could Have Been: In V2, incomplete assets for the God Sphere known as Cyclops could be found and with the usage of the debug menu be used inside a song, albeit with janky movements and clipped graphics. These assets are not used anywhere even in the V3 version of the mod.
