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Trivia / Trey Parker and Matt Stone

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  • Banned in China: And yes. After making fun of China more than once over the years, South Park was finally banned and scrubbed from Chinese internet, and so Trey Parker and Matt Stone literally also banned there, as a result of the episode "Band In China". The episode in question, fittingly enough, was a critique of Hollywood for watering down their films to placate the Chinese government and featured jabs at the Winnie the Pooh ban, Chinese work camps, and the country's organ harvesting. Trey and Matt's response was about what one would expect.
    "Like the NBA, we welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and into our hearts. We too love money more than freedom and democracy. Xi doesn't look just like Winnie the Pooh at all. Tune into our 300th episode this Wednesday at 10! Long live the great Communist Party of China! May the autumn's sorghum harvest be bountiful! We good now China?"
    • They inadvertently caused China to ban Zedd from performing there anymore as a result of this mock tweet.
    • The show was never actually licensed to be streamed in China to begin with; it just wasn't officially banned. So while banning it does prevent people in the region from watching it, it doesn't have any financial impact on almost anyone else involved.
