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Trivia / Tomorrow's Pioneers

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  • Disowned Adaptation: Then-Disney CEO Bob Iger called the portrayal of Mickey Mouse in the form of Farfour "despicable". Diane Disney Miller, Walt Disney's last surviving child, condemned the series and said "What we're dealing with here is pure evil and you can't ignore that." She further commented that, "It's not just [about] Mickey, it's [about] indoctrinating children like this, teaching them to be evil. The world loves children, and this is just going against the grain of humanity."
  • Screwed by the Network:
    • In perhaps one of the most violent examples of this trope, Season 1 was interrupted by armed Fatah gunmen taking over the Al-Aqsa TV station and thus preventing its broadcast. Supposedly, members of the production crew were also abducted by Fatah operatives during the show's run in an attempt to halt its production.
    • The show was also successfully shut down at the end of 2008 by Palestinian Authority Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti, although the ban would be temporarily lifted later.
