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Trivia / The Ruling Class

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  • Banned in China: The film was banned by the South African Publications Control Board.
  • The Cast Showoff: In the DVD Commentary, Peter O'Toole says that he did the stunt riding the horse to the hunt himself, because he owned a racehorse, Eric the Red, who'd been a good boy, won a few races and was now retired, and he, O'Toole, had always had this dream that he wanted to ride a real thoroughbred racehorse at a flat-out gallop.
  • Doing It for the Art: Peter O'Toole waived his salary to make this movie.
  • No Stunt Double: Peter O'Toole performed the stunt of Jack jumping off the cross himself.
  • Posthumous Credit: Nigel Green died of a drug overdose shortly after filming ended. His dialogue was dubbed by Graham Crowden, who plays Dr. Truscott.
  • Self-Adaptation: Peter Barnes adapted the screenplay from his 1968 play, with few major changes.
