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Trivia / The Office USS 2 E 20 Drug Testing

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  • Deleted Role: Melora Hardin did the voice of Jan listening to the anti-drug staff meeting on speakerphone, but that scene was cut.
  • Deleted Scene:
    • Dwight wrote down possible symptoms to people who may have used the joint. For Creed, it was his shifty eyes.
    • Michael gives out a flier to the employees that reads "Drugs: Let's Not and Say We Did."
      Pam: I think Michael was high when he wrote this.
    • In one deleted Confession Cam bit, Dwight says he "will pray to Thor himself, if that's what it takes" to find the culprit. The Season 2 bloopers show that this line kept cracking Rainn Wilson up. Even in the finished version, he's just barely holding it together.
    • Dwight purchased his badge at the sheriff's office gift shop, and that he actually wasn't allowed to carry one.
    • The Reveal of who dropped the joint in the parking lot: two Vance Refrigeration workers.
  • DVD Commentary: By Rainn Wilson, B.J. Novak, Brian Baumgartner, Angela Kinsey, Jennifer Celotta, Oscar Nunez and Greg Daniels.
  • Throw It In!: Jenna Fischer ad-libbed Pam throwing her hands up to show she didn't have a pen or paper after Michael told her to "take this down" regarding having Toby's blood and hair tested.
  • Word of St. Paul: According to the Office Ladies podcast, the reason Michael can be seen with a bandage in some shots is because Steve Carell jammed his finger while playing ice hockey and it swelled to the point he couldn't remove his wedding ring. Since Michael is single, they had to hide it.
  • Written by Cast Member: Dwight's monologue about his family history, including his great-grandfather being an Amish man named Dwide Schrude, was originally ad-libbed by Rainn Wilson for the pilot. It was cut out of that episode, but Greg Daniels loved it, and thought this would be a good episode to bring it back, so it was added to the script.
