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Trivia / The Last Seduction

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: In the sex scene against the chain link fence, Peter Berg admitted in an interview that nothing was choroegraphed, and it was Linda Fiorentino's idea to do it the way it was filmed.
  • Deleted Scenes: The UK DVD release includes several deleted scenes, as well as an option to view the film with the deleted scenes added back into the regular cut.
  • What Could Have Been: In the original script, Mike's lawyer turned out to be Bridget's lawyer (J. T. Walsh), who would tip off Bridget about the false nameplate, and the ending would proceed with her collecting it and burning it before the credits rolled. The sequence was filmed with Walsh, but later changed to a random public defender, because the director felt it was a twist too far. In the newer UK re-release version, it's viewable as a deleted scene.
