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Trivia / The Howard Stern Show

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  • Colbert Bump: In 1998, People magazine held an online vote for "Sexiest Man Alive." After being mentioned on the show, Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf won by tens of thousands of votes. The magazine, naturally, ignored the results.
  • Creator Breakdown: Some fans believe Stern to have been at his most vile, vicious, and entertaining during the mid to late 90's, and although not known at the time, this ran concurrent with the breakdown of his marriage and his eventual divorce.
  • Executive Meddling: Stern constantly battled against radio and TV executives during the span of his career over the format and content of his show. When he began his career, if you weren't on a political or news show, most hosts just repeatedly played music, interjecting bits of humor and commentary during the breaks between songs and commercials, the news anchor only spoke when delivering the news, guests never stayed longer than their allotted segment time, and the content was as sober as a priest on Sunday. Stern had to continuously fight against executives to change all of those things, and he eventually revolutionized morning radio because of it.
