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Trivia / The Dying Night

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  • Science Marches On: After this story was written, it was discovered that Mercury's rotation wasn't exactly tidally locked. Mercury actually rotates 3 times per 2 local years, rather than 1 times per 1 local years, allowing sunlight to cover every surface of Mercury (eventually). In one reprint, Dr Asimov includes a very tongue-in-cheek note saying scientists should get things right in the first place, and he's not going to change his plot over their whims.
  • Technology Marches On:
    • The scientists are using tiny cameras with light-sensitive film for copying their journals, and it is treated as some great achievement. Today, settlements on the Moon and Ceres still seem to be far in the future, and non-digital cameras are not likely to be there.
    • The Moon settlement is used for observing Earth for the sake of weather prognosis. Putting unmanned satellites in orbit for the purpose turned out to be much more convenient.
