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Trivia / The Dom Reviews

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  • Acting for Two:
    • Mainly in cutaway gags & sketches, where (except for a few episodes with guest stars) he plays all the roles; taken up to eleven in his re-enactment of the finale of Breaking Dawn, which features over 20 individually-costumed Doms interacting.
    • He introduced Terrance: The Douche Bag From Ravenclaw in his Harry Potter reviews to display some viewpoints The Dom himself doesn't agree with in terms of the Broken Bases the Harry Potter films created between fans of the books, like himself, as well as get some humor mileage out of the character's personality being as described by his title. Expect a possible homage paying for the Deathly Hallows movies/books at the end.
  • Bury Your Art: Dom unlisted his videos on the Harry Potter series in light of various transphobic statements made by J. K. Rowling, additionally excising them from main series playlists so as to not promote her works in any way.
  • Creator Breakdown: He has admitted that the book Ready Player One actually made him remember how terrible of a person he was in youth with him admitting that he was pretty selfish, sexist and entitled similarly to the book's protagonist. Following this review, he would go on to become an intersectional ally (which is a person that actively supports feminism, LGBTQ+ and non-white representation and inclusion).
  • Dueling Shows: His show and Krimson Rogue's The Book Was Better are based around the same premise; comparing books to film adaptations based on them. However, they differ in formatting and Krimson's series is lesser known than The Dom's.
  • Missing Episode: Most likely due to copyright claims from Studio Ghibli, his LIA on Howl's Moving Castle was taken down. It's wasn't even on the Channel Awesome site when he was a part of it due to relentless copyright slams. This also affected Doug Walker's own reviews of the various Disney-dubbed Ghibli films. It was available through Vidme when the site was up, but is back to being this, since the site shut down at the tail end of 2017. Currently, it's a Patreon exclusive.
  • Schedule Slip: Not really due to laziness so much as trying to focus on popular movies and attempts to diversify his content. In October 2016 The Dom released an Upcoming video listing all of his Patreon requests as of that time, which he planned to focus on after he finished his Harry Potter-athon. As of September 2018 he still has one review on the list he has not yet done (Metro 2033).
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: Because of copyright claims on his LIA on Howl's Moving Castle, the episode can now only be found as a Patreon exclusive. Also due to this The Dom has stated that he will not review anything from Japan due to their lack of Fair Use laws.
  • Shrug of God: Most episodes of Lost in Adaptation, if they don't have Dom visiting a location connected to the book, show him standing in a purple swirling void. In the episode where That Movie Chick joins Dom to review The Thing, she asks him where they are while they're standing in the review void, like is it a pocket universe or something, and he admits that he doesn't actually know.
