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Trivia / The Beast of Beacon

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  • Creator's Oddball: This is at the moment the only one of Couer's works that is a drama centered on a reformed Adam, with a side of reduced presence for Jaune and increased exposure for Ruby.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • In the first chapter, Coeur stated that the story was originally going to be rather short compared to some of his more popular works and would end at 15 chapters or so. The story long passed that and ended at 41 chapters. Coeur admits this was partly because he knew Adam’s not the most popular character and many considered him a poor choice for a protagonist, and the positive response led to him playing the idea out in full.
    • Weiss would have run from Beacon — leading in to the docks fight - after learning of Adam’s past and SDC brand; this was changed to Weiss instead staying the night at the infirmary, and getting advice from Tsune and the fight happening after. He made the change as it felt contrived to stick that close to canon with Weiss in Blake’s role.
