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  • Follow the Leader: John White has freely admitted he was heavily influenced by The Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Out of Order: The Sword Bearer(the third book published) and Gaal the Conqueror(the fourth) are the chronologically earliest of the series. Word of God from White has recommended that readers start with those two before the later volumes and more recent printings label them as Books 1 and 2 in the series numbering.
  • Sequel Gap: Six years between the release of Gaal the Conqueror and Quest for the King and another six years before the release of Dark Lord's Demise.
  • Written for My Kids: White wrote the books for his children.
    My own children ganged up on me and came with the request that since I wrote books for adults, I could write them for children too. (Of course their assumption was incorrect!) "We won't bug you any more," they said, "if only you'll write a book for us. But it has to be just like Narnia!" So, intrigued, I decided I'd have a crack at it ... I wrote, and then read them my opening chapter of what eventually turned into The Tower of Geburah.
