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Trivia / Swan Lake

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  • Acting for Two: Odette and Odile are traditionally played by the same ballerina as they have to resemble each other. Some productions cast two women in the roles, which leaves room for Odile to have a part in the finale.
  • Adaptation Overdosed: There are numerous versions of the ballet by different choreographers, both traditional and non-traditional, which change the story to varying degrees but otherwise keep the choreography. In addition, there are several film adaptations, also to varying degrees of accuracy to the original tale.
  • Referenced by...:
    • In Bicentennial Man, Andrew has misheard Swan Lake as Swine Lake.
    • In Cyborg 009, this is the ballet most associated with 003, appearing in the 1966 movie, Monster Wars, episodes 5, 6, and 22 of the 1968 anime, and Legend of the Super Galaxy, among others.
