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Trivia / Star Trek: Cold Equations

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  • Actor Allusion: Wesley as the Traveler in the third book, both in appearance and in personality, was based largely on modern day Wil Wheaton.
  • Creator Backlash: At least in comparison to the Destiny Trilogy. Mack admits he feels the ending of Destiny was stronger than Cold Equations due to the more epic, expansive narrative scope and scale.
  • What Could Have Been: During the later release of Star Trek: Coda, Mack revealed that the Devidians were originally going to be the antagonists of this Trilogy. That idea was based on how it didn't seem Pocket Books was going to renew the Star Trek publishing license and Cold Equations would thus be the TNG Relaunch's de facto series finale. The premise would have seen the Devidians targeting an elderly, dementia-ridden Picard in revenge for the events of "Time's Arrow". Once the license was renewed, those early plans for Cold Equation were shelved...until Coda presented the chance to revisit and rework them.
