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Trivia / Stan Lee's Superhero Kindergarten

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  • Acting for Two: Arnold Schwarzenegger plays both Arnold Armstrong and himself in the 19th episode.
  • Celebrity Voice Actor: Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Arnold Armstrong.
  • The Danza: Arnold Schwarzenegger as Arnold Armstrong.
  • Dueling Works: The show competes against Hero Elementary, another show about young superheroes going to school to better control their powers.
  • Inspiration for the Work: According to IndieWire, the project idea came from Stan Lee's love for Arnold Schwarzenegger's Kindergarten Cop and Schwarzenegger's desire to make a sequel to the movie.
  • Reality Subtext: Captain Fantastic being a former superhero who's past his prime, yet still in good shape despite his age, and keeps reminiscing about his glory days is based on Arnold Schwarzenegger being an actor past his prime.
  • Saved from Development Hell: The series had been in talks since 2011, and came to fruition in 2020 — two years after Lee's death.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Early promo materials and an early lunchbox show 5 heroes instead of 6 and with different ethnicities and hair colors than the finalized version. Sticky was added later, and Patty and Cristina, as well as Pedro and Billy, swapped powers and outfit colors.
    • Captain Fantastic's name went through several variations, including Captain Courage and Captain Courageous before the final name was decided.
    • Blocker was originally named Blockbuster, Power Pedro was originally Pedro Power, and Jackson Jet was originally named Fart Boy and Fly Boy before his final name was decided. Some of their civilian named were also changed, with Cray Cray being Cristina instead of Lin, Sticky being Stewart instead of Vik, and Jackson Jet being Sami instead of Jackson.
