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Trivia / Spider Man The Animated Series S 01 E 11 The Hobgoblin Part 1

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  • What Could Have Been: Several elements from "The Hobgoblin" imply that the script was originally written with Green Goblin in mind (given how the showrunner was forced to do Hobgoblin instead of Green Goblin due to Executive Meddling). Besides Norman Osborn being the true inventor of all the goblin tech, there's also the major plot point of Hobgoblin putting Aunt May in a coma and thus making Peter’s beef with him a lot more personal than with any prior supervillain at that point (even Venom never actually succeded at hurting any of Peter's loved ones), as well the ominous ending, where Hobgoblin flies off into the night sky while ranting, “Don’t forget me, Spider-Man. I’m not going to forget you”. It's also easy to envision Osborn putting on the goblin costume and trying to assassinate Fisk himself before subsequently trying to take over the latter's criminal empire (taking over NY criminal underworld was Green Goblin's original motive in the comics).
