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Trivia / Spectral Shadows

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Herein is the Trivia Page for Spectral Shadows.

  • Ascended Fanfic: Considering it began as a Bambi fanfic and directly adopted characters and elements from My Little Pony, Doctor Who, The Get Along Gang, Mega Man, Sailor Moon, Progressive Rock songs, The Secret of NIMH, Disney and too many others to name before being slightly changed to its current form, it could be seen as the biggest example of this trope as well as a Mega Cross Over.
  • Development Hell: This happened to Serial 2: The Aslanders. Arguably the other serials have fallen into this. .
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: Usually done via Spectral Shadows Brian Stormers, a LiveJournal group created by the author. Brianstormers helps the author develop and create new ideas, as well as offer feed back on future episode outlines when they're posted. Sometimes they might ask for ideas such as setting ideas, names, and expansion of current locations and characters, some of which have actually been adapted into the story.
  • Series Hiatus: Happens from time to time.
  • Write What You Know: The majority of the current serial is based entirely on the author's personal take on her experiences online.
  • Write Who You Know: Several of the author's friends and enemies have been written into the story, with or without their consent, regardless of their feelings about it and with their personalities/actions often wildly exaggerated.
  • Written by Cast Member: Happens In-Universe with Perry Rhoades.
