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Trivia / Scratch

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The website

  • Banned in China: The website is banned in China as of August 2020, after a news outlet posted a video showing content on the site which seemingly goes against China's policy, such as listing Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan as "independent" countries.
  • Fanwork Ban: Scratch has a variation of this trope. Due to many complaints from Moral Guardians and some users, Scratch had to put a restriction of Five Nights at Freddy's projects, causing some to be taken down and the rest to be NFEnote . This was not well received by fans.
  • Follow the Leader:
    • Scratch's success with introducing programming to kids with puzzle-like blocks spawned a lot of (usually educational) programming software that imitated its own visual project editor. Examples include Stencylnote , Hopscotch, Tynker, and Google's Blockly.
    • Many educational utilities that allow sharing content borrowed the "Remix" ability, which allows users to copy and tweak others' creations.
    • This can also can happen on the site too. The Colour Divide, a fantasy animated series, featuring humans with supernatural powers and living in a fantasy world, and based on the RPG of the same name, got very popular after its trailer was featured on the Front Page. Due to its popularity, it spawned the trend of animated series on Scratch. No, really.
    • WazzoTV's stick figure animations, involving humans with circular heads, rectangular bodies, and stick limbs, became extremely popular. They even spawned a number of "copycat" animations using the design similar to his. This user was even called the "Next WazzoTV" due to his animations that were similar to Wazzo's.
  • Milestone Celebration: Scratch used to celebrate milestones of reaching a certain number of projects/users and aging to a certain age. For example, the Celebrate 5,000,000 Projects! Scratch Design Studio. Once Scratch's popularity exploded, they stopped.
  • Pop-Culture Urban Legends:
    • In the 1.3-4 days, there was an urban legend about a user only known as "kaj" who went around hacking random accounts. Nowadays, the urban legend has died out and many Scratchers disprove a hacker. The only truth was that kaj was an actual Scratcher who got banned after threatening to hack Scratch.
    • In the middle of the long years of Scratch 2.0, there were rumors of Scratch 2.1 and even 3.0. This was before Scratch 3.0 was announced.
  • Referenced by...:
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: Despite the widespread acceptance of Fair Use on the site, Scratch ran into two notable DMCA complaints.
    • On July 29, 2010, a recreation of Pac-Man was removed, because Bandai Namco Entertainment claimed that the "free" recreation could hurt their finances. A majority of the Scratch community protested, since according to their beliefs, a ten year old's project wasn't strong enough to be copyright infringement.
    • Subverted with this case. Somewhere in March 2014, the Animation Hall of Fame museum filed a DMCA complaint, due to a studio with the same name being hosted on the site. Scratch negotiated by renaming the studio to "Scratch Hall of Fame - Animation".
