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Trivia / Rick and Morty S2 E1: "A Rickle in Time"

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  • What Could Have Been: As shown in an animatic on one of the dvds, this episode was originally different from the final product.
    • As shown in the beginning, Morty did not clean off Jerry and Beth before Rick unfroze time, instead he got rid of some dead sea monkeys that attended Rick’s party in the previous episode.
    • Also shown from the beginning, Rick, Morty and Summer forgot more than just putting a mattress underneath their neighbor Mr. Benson so he wouldn't get injured when he fell off his roof, they also forgot to pull people's pants back up when they pants them in the first season finale. In addition, Mr. Benson was named Mr. Schroder.
    • Morty and Summer's brief quarrel about Summer being Rick's new associate when doing his shenanigans was more good-natured than spiteful.
    • Instead of the gag where Morty accidentally put Jerry's shirt on backwards, Morty and Summer were hugging their parents rather awkwardly.
    • Rather than an argument instigating the splitting of time, it was Rick shouting 'Bam!' after seeing Mr. Benson (Mr Schroder) get taken to the hospital.
    • When trying to refracture time, the dialogue that would become Rick saying "Be like grandpa!", to which Morty replied, "Drunk?" was different.
    • The Time-Cop did not appear out of nowhere in the original content, he was part of customer service to the company that made Rick's time-freezing device.
    • There was an additional requirement for the time collars, a giant sphere that merged the timelines and it could only do that if every character from the infinite realities have their collars on.
    • The Time-Cop had a real gun instead of an anthropomorphic one.
    • Rick breaks the sphere that holds the the timelines together in order to stop the Time-Cop from arresting them.
    • Summer was present during the part where a Morty falls into space (since again, the timelines can only be merged by the sphere in the original version).
    • The animatic ended with Morty and Summer once again awkwardly hugging their parents rather than Jerry mocking the collars.
