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Trivia / Revenge of the Pink Panther

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  • Cast the Expert: Ed Parker, founder of American Kenpo Karate, plays "Mr. Chong", the martial artist sent to kill Clouseau.
  • Troubled Production: While filming the start of the Hong Kong chase scene, a policeman spotted Burt Kwouk hop onto the Vespa hotdog cart and take off with it as the assumed owner of the cart obviously objected. Not knowing it was part of a film being shot and, somehow failing to notice the film equpiment and crew, flagged down Kwouk and arrested him for stealing the scooter, resulting in Blake Edwards having to visit the nearby police station with production notes and the actor portraying the cart's owner to convince the police that the scooter theft was all set up for a film being made and Kwouk wasn't just an opportunistic thief.
  • Uncredited Role: The voice of cross-dressing criminal Claude Russo is actually that of voice-over artist Michael Bell in an uncredited performance.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Shooting in Hong Kong was almost derailed by monsoon season; the threat of the rain keeping up had Blake Edwards having his assistants check up on Rio de Janeiro as an alternative location.
    • The Le Club Phut sequence in Revenge originally had Clouseau and Cato masquerading as black clubgoers, funny Afros and all. However, Peter Sellers and Blake Edwards's increasingly strained working relationship got in the way and they warred over how they would pull it off; ultimately the sequence had to be scrapped and substituted with the simpler sequence of the two trying to spy on the club from outside. Arguably, given the questionable stereotyping that would have been involved, perhaps this was for the best.
  • You Look Familiar: Graham Stark again, this time as Prof. Auguste Balls.
