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Trivia / Retropokon

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  • Actor Allusion: Carlos Romero plays Gomamon with the same voice as Wai in Digimon Resumido.
    • This is referenced in his review of Smosh: The Movie, in which Wai had to name the Digimon after naming the Pokemon with generic names. He only gets to name Gomamon "Wai", and Gomamon says that he loves his new name.
  • What Could Have Been: The first Dark Side of the Fans was going to be a review of The John Show, but the show was so bad that it had to be hold for something special.
    • Sir Pokon was going to be yellow and there were going to be jokes about Skapokon and him looking similar.
    • Vectorman was going to be reviewed, but the review was scrapped and replaced with Kart Fighter because it wasn't funny enough. The script can be found in Skapokon's Blog.
