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Trivia / Red Dwarf Season VI "Out of Time"

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  • Acting for Two: The four main actors also played their future selves.
  • Deleted Scene:
    • Three cut clips as the crew cope with even more of the unreality pockets. These included an extended take of Cat shaking Lister when nobody can see him or remember him, and Lister says to the others to get their safety harnesses on due to turbulence. Kryten tells them to be calm, since anxiety can prolong the unreality. When the crew have animal heads, Rimmer panics, and Lister says "you've never had 11 pints of Dutch lager have you? This is a normal Saturday night for me."
    • As Kryten puts Lister and the Cat into stasis in the bunks, he then puts Starbug to autopilot through the unreality pockets. As Kryten prepares to enter stasis with Rimmer in Deep Sleep Unit 2, Rimmer tells Kryten: "If we don't make it, I just want you to know... I don't like you and I never have." Kryten replies: "Thank you sir, that confirms everything." The second bunk is then seen rising up out of view like the first, with icy smoke wisps beginning to seep out. The bunks are then later seen descending and the crew emerging.
    • Right before the future Starbug shows up, Cat says that his nose hairs are "vibrating more than a nervous blancmange in an earthquake."
    • Kryten discusses the danger of knowing one's future, suggesting that he alone should meet their future selves, since he can then erase his memory of it. Lister asks Kryten what he will do if he can't take the knowledge himself. Kryten says that he will auto-destruct happily knowing he has left the others a number of ready-made sprout lasagne meals to eat. Lister says that he wants to know what happens to himself and debates the merits of knowing one's future. The others says that it likely that he is still a worthless, direction-less space hobo two decades into the future. Cat and Rimmer agree with Kryten that knowing the future is dangerous and vote to go along with Kryten's idea.
    • Superfluous time with the future Dwarfers. Lister's brain-in-a-jar says that it "nice to get out and about." Kryten turns around his future self and says "why couldn't you have let him die?"
    • We see Lister's point of view as he observes Kryten and the future Dwarfers in the other room using the security camera. Lister sees the future Dwarfers as though through a periscope.
    • More of Kryten defending Urine Recyc Wine to the future Dwarfers, who are used to the best of the best. Kryten then gets out some caviar, but future Rimmer complains that it isn't beluga caviar but sevruga, which he doesn't like. Future Rimmer says how dare Kryten fob them off with second best, whilst future Cat says that Kryten is insulting his palate with his poison.
    • The future Dwarfers expand more on their disturbing social circle. This includes Hermann Goering, Vlad the Impaler, Catherine the Great, and Emperor Nero, as "the dudes who show you the best time." Brain-in-a-jar Lister justifies it by saying "who wants to go round Mahatma Gandhi's for an all-night rave?"
    • The Dwarfers celebrate surviving the battle with their future selves with Urine Recyc Wine in the excised original ending to the episode which had been leaked to the fans before broadcast - was replaced with a last-minute Starbug explosion and a teasing cliffhanger. The original ending included seeing the bloodied corpses of Lister and Cat. Rimmer is seen actually destroying the Time Drive with the bazookoid, the force of which throws him back. The flaming, debris-strewn corridors begin to change around Rimmer, going back to their previous state, and Rimmer happily exclaims that he is a hero. The crew resurrected, they decide to celebrate being alive, having defeated their future selves (with Rimmer being uncharacteristically modest about his heroics), and Kryten notes that they have relocated the vapour trail of Red Dwarf and are only six days behind. Kryten brings out chilled margaritas, but it is actually Urine Recyc Wine, and it leaves them all with a foam mustache that they cannot remove (presumably without Turps).
  • What Could Have Been: Future Lister had originally been visioned as a 3 foot tall robot with Lister's brain in it.
  • Working Title: Present from the Future. When Craig Charles complained that the script wasn't funny, the creators threatened to name it R.I.P. Dave Lister.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: The episode's script was written as it was being shot, with the script being typed directly onto autocues for the cast to read from. To boot, Grant and Naylor then had second thoughts about the original ending to the series and decided to turn it into a cliffhanger; as it was much too late to recall the cast, they had to improvise the cliffhanger in the edit suite using what had already been filmed.
